With this issue, MacSense becomes one year old! Our goal remains the same, though: to provide interesting and insightful Macintosh information to an international market in a timely fashion. Hope you enjoy this issue!
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MacSense requires a Macintosh with a 640-pixel wide display and at least 16 shades of grey. For optimal viewing, we recommend 16-bit color.
NEWS: The Clones Cometh!, Speedbump Power Macs Debut, Speedy Windows on a 6100/66, Online Service Wars Heat Up.
APPLEBITS: Apple Earnings Up, Apple Takeover Rumors, Bandai to make Mac game machine, and more...
QUICKBITS: Microsoft to update Word 6.0, MacroMedia goes head to head with Adobe, and more…
EDITORIAL: One Year and Counting...
LETTERS TO THE EDITOR: MacSense on AOL and more...
FEATURE: Voices Across the Internet, by guest columnist Thomas Liddle of PCWeek
FEATURE REVIEW: Marathon: First-Person Gaming Comes of Age on the Mac
HARDWARE REVIEWS: Macintosh Processor Upgrade, TelePort Gold II, QuickCam
Please e-mail us if you have questions, comments, suggestions, contributions or just to say "Hi". Our e-mail addresses are as follows:
Internet: MacSenseEd.@eworld.com
eWorld: MacSense Ed.
America Online: MacSense Ed
MacSense can be uploaded to any online service you see fit, as long as this text accompanies it.